New Members
If you have played bowls before and are considering joining Tilmanstone Welfare Bowls Club our fees for 2025/26 are as follows:-
Full Adult playing member - £70.
Apprentice aged 18 years and beyond can join for a concession of 50% of the annual subscription currently £35 until the apprenticeship ceases.
Social non playing member for a fee of £12 you can enjoy the facilities, watch matches, volunteer and be a part of the club.
Having joined you will also receive 12 months membership of the Tilmanstone Miners Welfare Institute and Recreation Ground. New members joining after 16 March are entitled to a reduction in fees on a pro rata basis depending on the date of joining.
Please complete the application form and send to the Club Secretary at [email protected]
If you are new to Bowls and would like to "have a go" dates of Open Days will be published on the website as well as through Social Media such as Facebook
Having recently joined the Club
If you are looking to buy a set of bowls and are unsure what size to purchase, or where to buy them from, please speak to Bill Stirrat for advice.
Please read the "Upcoming Events" webpage for details about Aggregate dates, social events, working parties etc.
When purchasing drinks we accept payment by card or cash. Green fees, however, must be paid for in cash.
Information surrounding the purchase of Club shirts/jackets can be found on the Clubhouse Notice Board.
The code to access Wi-Fi is displayed on the Notice Board in the Clubhouse.
If you are unable to attend an event you have signed up to please text WhatsApp or call the landline for the Bowls Club on
01304 830430